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Tag Archives: uv rays

moisture wicking neck gaiter z9h black sports mask for skiing and snowboarding in the snow and winter blog
As tempting as spending a chilly day in the warm embrace of our couch and tea mug may be, braving harsh conditions is a necessity for sports. Whether you’re working off those pumpkin pies and turkey leftovers, or maintaining your body as an athlete, winter is coming—and it spares no one. So how do you keep your face and airways warm, while running and cycling in the cold? Well, NAROO has got you, and your face, covered!
NAROO Z5H - Winter Skiing snowboarding Antifog Neck Warmer blog
As tempting as spending a chilly day in the warm embrace of our couch and tea mug may be, braving harsh conditions is a necessity for sports. Whether you’re working off those pumpkin pies and turkey leftovers, or maintaining your body as an athlete, winter is coming—and it spares no one. So how do you keep your face and airways warm, while running and cycling in the cold? Well, NAROO has got you, and your face, covered!
NAROO N1 face covering Sports Mask for Fishing and running for all weather with moisture wicking fabric and UV Protection aqua x blog
The Best Lightweight, Moisture-Wicking Cooling Neck Gaiter and Face Coverings Dedicated athletes don’t let a little something like hot weather get in the way of consistent and prolonged training. Even when the sun bears down mercilessly from peak summer skies, they strap on their gear, grab their water bottles and step out to stick to their athletic routines. However, without sufficient precautions, this dedication can lead to serious heat-related illnesses that can have long-term, sometimes even permanent effects. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Why is it bad to exercise in the heat? According to the Mayo Clinic  exercising in the heat causes excessive stress to the body. In addition to the physical strain of the exercise itself, the higher temperature exhausts the body faster, causes loss of moisture through sweating and increases core body temperature, all of which can contribute to multiple health issues. How does the heat harm our body? As the core temperature rises, more blood circulates through the skin to cool down. However, this takes blood away from the core and the muscles, which forces the heart to beat faster to be able to pump more blood. Additionally, if sweat does not evaporate fast enough in humid conditions, that adds to the stress and hikes up the body temperature even further. All of this makes physical activity more strenuous, even if the same activity was perfectly tolerable in cooler temperatures. In particularly high heat conditions, the process described above can result in the following conditions: Heat Cramps: Painful muscle cramps that can occur when exercising in the heat even when body temperature remains normal. Apart from the pain, the afflicted muscles may become firm and experience spasms. Heat Syncope: Alternatively called exercise-associated collapse, this refers to the fainting or lightheadedness caused during high heat conditions. It often occurs after an individual has been standing for a while, or has stood up quickly after sitting for a while. It can also emerge if someone suddenly stops after a spate of intense movement – like running or other high-octane cardio. Heat Exhaustion: In this case, body temperature rises, often to dangerous levels. The patient experiences nausea, weaknesses, fainting, excessive sweating, headache, vomiting, and cold skin. Without immediate attention, it can lead to heatstroke. Heatstroke: When the body is unable to cool itself and core temperature hikes up above 104F (40 C), the body reaches a life-threatening state termed as heatstroke. At this point, you will experience irritability, headaches, heart rhythm anomalies, nausea, fainting, dizziness, vomiting, impaired vision and severe fatigue. In the absence of immediate medical attention, this will lead to brain damage, organ failure, and in some cases death. How to Safely Exercise in the Heat Exercise strategically: Oliver Gibson, a senior lecturer in exercise science at Brunel University London, states that it is best to move exercise indoors or to the morning. Essentially, workout in temperatures that are tolerable and won’t force the body to malfunction. This is especially true for city folk as, to quote Dr. Gibson, “In an urban area, it is likely that the concrete will have retained a high amount of residual heat that will radiate back.” Focus on Acclimatization: William O. Roberts, MD, FACSM, a family medicine and sports medicine doctor at the University of Minnesota’s Phalen Village Clinic, says “When the weather warms, you need to be acclimated to the temperature change,”. Essentially, expose your body to increased heat in smaller doses to let it get used to the high temperatures. Let’s say you have a marathon coming up in the middle of the day in a month. Start by stepping out for a 10 minute jog every day for a week, then increase time to 20 minutes, then 30 and so on. Basically, get your body acquainted with weather conditions it will have to function in. Hydrate religiously: According to Suzanne Girard Eberle, author and sports dietitian,  “You lose 2 1/2 cups of water per pound of body weight lost”. She recommends drinking 20 ounces of water two hours before exercise, 8 ounces of water a little while before going outside on a hot day and sipping water every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. Wear light, breathable clothing: Once again, according to Eberle, athletes might make the mistake of overdressing when exercising in the heat. The body generates a lot of heat, especially the leg muscles. To prevent trapping this heat and sweat, sportspeople need to use athletic wear made from lightweight fabrics that wick away sweat quickly. Additionally, they need to be seriously mindful about applying sunscreen at regular intervals.  Cooling neck gaiter or cooling clothing are a great option. AQUA-X: Ultra Thin Facial Protection Cooling Neck Gaiter For The Hottest Days To keep athletes safe from the adverse effects of heat exposure, NAROO uses AQUA-X, a multifunctional nylon yarn fabric that manages moisture absorption to prevent heat exhaustion. Embedded into NAROO’s lightweight breathable face coverings, AQUA-X manages moisture via a process called evaporative cooling. Essentially, evaporative cooling relies on thermal exclusivity to handle sweat. The fabric quickly absorbs heat and sweat from the skin. Additionally, since it is a moisture-wicking fabric, the sweat quickly evaporates, leaving the material dry and it’s wearer unhindered by excess heat or uncomfortable sweat. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Benefits of AQUA-X Cold-sensitive and blocks harmful UV rays. Manufactured from thin, light synthetic material that quickly absorbs sweat and dries by allows it to evaporate. Since it wicks moisture and stays dry, chafing will not occur due to a wet seam rubbing against your skin. Stronger and lighter than cotton apparel, especially when soaked. By allowing heat and moisture to escape into the air, it helps regulate body temperature and keeps it at stable levels. NAROO’s N1 neck gaiter and N1s sports face covering are equipped with AQUA-X to allow flawless protection of sensitive facial tissue without hindering performance. Both these masks are designed with ultrathin fabric, and are perforated for maximum breathability. They also protect the skin from harsh UV rays
NAROO X5 Motorcycling Cycling Mask Neck gaiter
High-Performance Neck Gaiters and Face Coverings for All Year Round No matter what the sport, athletes pour their soul into perfecting it. This usually translates to consistent and physically arduous training, often over long hours in less than favorable conditions.Dedicated athletes, whether amateur or professional, don’t let weather or the environment stand in the way of gaining excellence. Whether it be the sweltering sun and scattered dust of summer or the painfully cold air of winter, sportspeople don’t back down from their training. However, athletes must take care to protect themselves from the elements – sun, rain or the cold. Without the right protective gear, they would be risking serious health concerns – lung damage, skin cancer, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, frostbite, and much more. The right equipment is mandatory for athletes to get through and thrive in challenging conditions – be it a sprint in 50°C (122°F) or soccer drills in -5°C (23°F). In particular, they must adequately protect their faces, necks and heads for optimal performance and minimal damage. Why do athletes need to protect their faces and necks? There are multiple natural and man-made elements that pose a threat to athletes’ health. A few of the most common ones:Extreme HeatThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has directed that athletes who exercise in extreme heat without the right protective gear can fall prey to dehydration and contract heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke – sometimes facing fatal consequences.The sun’s UV-A (longer wave) and UV-B (shorter wave) rays can cause accelerated aging, irreversible skin damage and multiple skin cancers. UV-B rays cause tanning and skin burns, leading to damaged skin cells and a higher cancer risk. Extreme Cold“…extended exposure to cold can overwhelm its auto-regulation mechanism,” said Matthew Chinn, MD, emergency medicine physician with the Froedtert & MCW Moorland Reserve Emergency Department. “Shivering is one way the body maintains its temperature. As hypothermia progresses, the body’s shivering mechanism may stop working, people may become confused and the heart can stop working normally.”Human lungs find it tough to warm and humidify cold air, which can dehydrate and impair airways. Athletes experience coughing, burning sensation in the throat and windpipe and breathing issues when training in cold temperatures. Intense cold-weather exercise can force the lining of human airways to dehydrate, dry and suffer long-term, even irreversible damage.Dust inhalationDust or particulate matter can have seriously adverse health effects when inhaled without adequate protection:1. Premature death in people with heart or lung disease2. Irregular heartbeat3. Magnified asthma symptoms4. Reduced lung function. Larger particles, if inhaled can also lead to scarring of lung or airway tissue5. Aggravated respiratory symptoms – irritation of the airways, coughing, wheezing, irregular breathing Unfortunately, air pollution has become commonplace for modern humans, especially those living in metropolitan areas. Avoiding dust, fumes, insects, etc. is of utmost importance, and while individuals can avoid the worst of it by training early mornings or late evenings (lower traffic rates and factory fumes), they still need protection from inhaling particles suspended in air. Dust-free air is no longer a reality for most outdoor athletes.  Athletes and people staying outdoors often use bandanas, kerchiefs, scarves and other items to cover up so as to protect themselves. But articles of clothing often prove ineffective in the face of heat, sunlight, humidity and dust alike. Intense physical activity becomes exceptionally difficult when someone is smothered by clothing on the face and mouth. Additionally, cloth covers become moist due to exhaled breath and sweat, adding further to the inconvenience.  Needless to say, serious athletes cannot depend on makeshift items to cover their faces up in the midst of serious and stringent practice routines. They need lightweight breathable face masks that provide guaranteed protection and are designed to endure and adapt to the demands of arduous movement in rough weather.  How can athletes protect themselves without ruining their performance? Since athletes are always on the move, it is imperative that they have accessories that adapt and modify with their physical activity. A sports facemask or a neck gaiter can’t slide off because the runner wearing it broke into a sprint. Whatever the physical intensity or the weather condition, sports face coverings must perform as flawlessly as the athlete wearing it.  Driven by the aim to provide athletes with the best-in-industry protective gear, NAROO has developed the X-Series with X-FIBER fabric to ensure that their masks, neck gaiters, and balaclavas will move as they do. In other words, the mask and fabric adapt to the shape of the wearer’s face and neck as it changes under the pressures of movement and physical exertion.  Made with honeycomb knitting that builds on and augments the features of a neck gaiter and mask, X-FIBER is elastic and shaped to perform flawlessly under consistent movement, pressure and duress. In simple words, it goes as you go, moves as you do.   Features and Benefits of X-FIBER:Elastic with honeycomb knitting that improves all typical characteristics of commonly used face masks such as cycling masks, neck gaiters, balaclavas, ski masks, etc.X-FIBER maintains elasticity under all circumstances. It stretches and morphs to adjust to each individual face.It is breathable, equipped with UV protection and windshield capacities, making it perfect for all kinds of weather. It also prevents insects and dust from being inhaled into noses and mouths.The X-FIBER in our winter masks – X9 and X5H, serves to keep athletes warm while eliminating moisture for optimal body temperature and performance. It also warms the air before it is inhaled, preventing coughing, wheezing or lung damage due to the cold.It dries quickly in wet or humid conditions.It serves as an ideal replacement to neck gaiters. Through sustained research and real-world upgrades, NAROO masks offer high levels of protection for individuals with active lifestyles, be it in the sun, rain, snow or wind. They are an important tool in the active individual’s toolkit, essential for protection against environmental factors that can damage bodies and restrict performance. NAROO’s breathable sports masks have been inspected and certified by a number of prestigious verification bodies. The
NAROO Breathing Technology: Easy-breathing Face Covers Backed by Continuous Research
NAROO Breathing Technology: Easy-breathing Face Covers Backed by Research Breathing is the heart of athletic activity. However, the air we breathe isn’t always what we need to power our activity. Athletes worldwide struggle with environmental issues that actually limit their ability to breath well and perform well, which include cold weather, pollution, pollen, UV rays, microbes, dust, and more. These issues can actually make lungs unable to process air and oxygen at their full capacity, thereby diminishing performance. In order to help athletes overcome their environments, we at NAROO have been researching breathing for the past 2 decades in order to be sure the air that athletes breathe isn’t preventing them from doing their best. Based on proven, tested technology, we provide innovative breathing solutions to protect athletes everywhere. Because we are also lifelong outdoors people, we make it a priority to talk with athletes and research their needs. Our years of exploration have led us to many technological innovations that help athletes tackle the heat, the cold, and particulates in the air. We constantly seek to answer important questions with technology-based answers. FILTERING TECHNOLOGY: MICRONET™ What is a filtering face mask? A mask that helps to filter out particulates in the air so that they are not inhaled can be considered a filtering face mask. These can come with replaceable filters or without. And how can filtering masks help? At NAROO, we have created a filterless series that not only filters dust, pollen, pollution, and other particles as small as 1.7μm (40x smaller than a human hair), but that is reusable and washable so that it can protect airways over and over again. NAROO MICRONET™ Benefits: Breathable during exercise Washable and reusable over 100 times No replacement filter needed, the special fabric and knit are the filter Filters pollen, dust and other particles as small as 1.7μm (40x smaller than a human hair) Moisture-wicking and quick-dry in wet or conditions But is a filtering mask necessary? Will a mask help with pollen, pollution, and dust? According to the American Lung Association, the air people breathe continues to be unhealthy due to issues like pollution, pollen, and dust. The same holds true for a significant portion of Europe’s population where ozone and other particulate matter pose serious health risks. When focusing on athletes, especially on marathon runners and cyclists training near highways and cities, the British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that immediate effects from pollutants can deplete oxygen to tissues, increase heart rate and blood pressure, and make asthma, pulmonary hypertension and cardiovascular disease potential long-term consequences. A viable solution for these serious pollution and dust effects is an effective filtering face mask like those of the NAROO F-Series. These are made for athletes and their increased respiration rates, outdoor exposure, increased sweating, exposure to heat and cold, and of course, to irritating particulates that can deteriorate performance and health. These masks can filter particles as small as 1.7μm, preventing most harmful particulates from the lungs, allowing for exercise in polluted climes and maximized performance. Table of Contents Is exercising with a mask dangerous? “Researchers at McMaster University in Canada…found no concerning signs of hypoxia, or reduced blood oxygen.” NAROO masks are developed for sports people and their increased need for oxygen intake, and allow for easy-breathing along with top-notch filtering capabilities. It is important to wash and clean the masks between each use to clear away particulates and reset the filter for maximum functioning and easy-breathing. No matter an athletes need, whether running with allergy, or a balaclava with a filter, or pollen season allergies, wearing a mask is a helpful solution to deal with environmental struggles. ANTIMICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY: COPPER YARN What is copper-infused fabric? Shifting from technology specifically designed to tackle hot weather issues to copper-infused yarn and fabric, research proves that the unique antimicrobial properties make it the perfect material for filtering and particulate protection. NAROO weaves copper yarn into the F.U Plus Copper mask, using technology that has been trusted for centuries all over the world. Copper surfaces can kill germs on contact. This process prevents the copper from breaking off and makes the fabric reusable and dependable. Although the origins of copper fabric aren’t known, its benefits are well-documented. Copper-infused yarn can kill many bacteria, fungi, and viruses upon contact, helping to eliminate any of these that linger on the body. Those bacteria can also cause unpleasant odors during exercise that copper-infused yarn can help to eliminate. What makes the copper so powerful is that it is ionically bonded to the yarn, which means the copper will not flake into particles that can be inhaled and will remain strong over time. Is copper better than silver? Why choose copper over silver? Both metals can kill bacteria, so why did NAROO choose copper for its technological developments and high-tech face coverings? Silver requires moisture in order to effectively kill bacteria – copper is antimicrobial in wet and dry environments, making it more versatile and better able to serve athletes’ needs. What does copper yarn in the F.U Plus Copper help me? Not only does the F.U Plus Copper take the utmost advantage of copper’s antimicrobial properties, but it relies on the breathability of the knitted fabric, its moisture-wicking properties, and its functionality in hot and cold weather to create a comfortable, effective face covering for athletes in need of a filtering, antimicrobial mask. Copper is also great when used in fabric as it helps care for your skin by helping to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, thinning skin and other signs of ageing. It can also be helpful for dry or itchy skin. Paired with the breathability of the mask, the F.U Plus Copper is a multifunctional breathing solution for athletes all over the world across many different environments. NAROO F.U. Plus Copper Benefits: Breathable during exercise Antimicrobial copper yarn tested to kill microbes Washable and reusable over 100 times Copper is deodorizing and good for the skin Moisture-wicking and quick-dry in wet conditions 3D AIR-WARMING CHAMBER TECHNOLOGY: EX-BONE Why is breathing cold air in winter dangerous? It is common knowledge that
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