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Naroo F.u Plus Cooper antimicrobial cycling running black
NAROO: A Melhor Máscara Facial Respirável Antibacteria com Fio de Cobre Matando germes, odores e muito mais, sem prejudicar a sua pele Não existe método perfeito para manter a forma e, ao mesmo tempo, ficar livre dos patógenos. Se você está procurando uma máscara esportiva sem o desconforto e possíveis assombrações, no entanto, sua melhor solução está na máscara F.U Plus Copper da NAROO. O cobre tem uma longa história na medicina e na fabricação de tecidos, com uma infinidade de benefícios e vantagens sobre a prata como material de têxtil. Origens do Tecido de Cobre Originalmente usado como uma forma de esterilização e como proteção por meio de joias, o cobre como uma ferramenta medicinal e vestível tem sua origem encontrada desde o Egito Antigo, Grécia Antiga e, posteriormente, China. Quanto ao tecido com infusão de cobre, há indícios de que pode ter origem no Oriente Médio. Recentemente, a pandemia do Covid-19 despertou um interesse em fios com infusão de cobre por suas propriedades antimicrobianas. De roupas de compressão de cobre a máscaras de cobre, vemos um número crescente de produtos voltando-se para esse material devido aos seus benefícios à saúde. Benefícios do Tecido de Cobre e F.U Plus Copper Antimicrobiano  O fio de cobre é altamente eficaz no combate a bactérias, fungos e vírus sem efeitos prejudiciais à saúde. A máscara antimicrobiana F.U Plus Copper da NAROO bloqueia 99,9% dos micróbios por meio do trabalho em equipe tricotado de seu tecido MICRONET™ e fios de cobre. Bactérias e vírus são cargas negativas no lado exterior, enquanto os íons de cobre positivos os separam destruindo seu DNA / RNA. • Respirável A combinação do tecido de filtragem MICRONET™ altamente respirável e as propriedades do próprio cobre tornam a mais recente máscara Copper da NAROO não apenas eficaz contra poluentes, mas também fácil de se exercitar e respirar com, ou melhor, através dela.•  Regulação de calorO desempenho atlético pode diminuir significativamente com o tempo, e a fadiga muscular é um dos principais motivos. Quando nossa temperatura corporal aumenta, “a capacidade do músculo de se contrair de forma sustentável por um longo período de tempo sofre significativamente durante um esforço muscular mais longo e afeta negativamente o desempenho atlético“. O cobre é um excelente regulador térmico, auxiliando na resistência muscular e na oxigenação, auxiliando assim no desempenho do atleta.• Absorção de umidadeTodas as máscaras faciais da NAROO, incluindo a F.U Plus Copper, são altamente absorventes e auxiliam na regulação do suor. Embora a transpiração durante o exercício e eventos competitivos possa ser desconfortável, é também onde os micróbios prosperam, já que o odor corporal é parcialmente gerado devido às secreções das glândulas sudoríparas. Manter-se seco mantém você seguro e cheirando melhor.• Controle de OdorÉ aqui que o cobre desempenha um papel realmente importante nas roupas esportivas, incluindo as máscaras esportivas. As bactérias que crescem em nosso suor são responsáveis ​​por muitos efeitos nocivos, incluindo os odores desagradáveis ​. Como dissemos anteriormente, o cobre é extremamente tóxico para essas bactérias, neutralizando o cheiro mesmo nas pequenas quantidades de suor que passam pelo tecido da máscara NAROO. • Saúde da peleAlém de suas propriedades biocidas, o cobre é um mineral que promove a geração e estabilização da pele, tornando-o “um material ativo muito atraente para a melhoria do bem-estar da pele”. Combinar isso com suas outras habilidades e tecidos respiráveis ​​significa que você, em última análise, reduz os irritantes que ressecam e envelhecem sua pele. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Benefícios do Tecido de Cobre e F.U Plus Copper Embora cobre, prata e ouro sejam todos antimicrobianos, existem algumas diferenças importantes que tornam o cobre o vencedor.• Um ponto importante é que o cobre pode prosperar em quaisquer circunstâncias ambientais, enquanto a prata requer umidade para que esses mecanismos sejam ativados.• A prata tem muito pouco a contribuir para a saúde geral do corpo humano, enquanto o cobre é um micronutriente essencial com todos os benefícios associados já explorados neste blog.• Não só a prata não é um metal necessário para a nossa pele, mas também faltam ao nosso corpo mecanismos específicos para lidar com seu contato, tornando-a efetivamente mais tóxica para os humanos. O tecido de cobre é seguro para sua saúde respiratória? A inalação de metais não é uma ideia atraente, mas é uma preocupação que você não precisa ter com o F.U Plus Copper da NAROO. Feitas de diferentes materiais de tecido, as peças que usam fios com infusão de cobre obtêm essa infusão por meio de um processo chamado ligação iônica. O processo incorpora o cobre ao tecido, garantindo que ele não se parta em partículas que podem ser inaladas. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Escolhendo sua máscara de cobre com sabedoria Como qualquer outro produto usado pensando na saúde, os revestimentos faciais de cobre devem ser escolhidos com sabedoria. Máscaras em que o fio é simplesmente forrado com cobre, por exemplo, perderão essa camada com bastante rapidez, perdendo seus benefícios. A tecnologia de máscara F.U Plus Copper da NAROO de cobre ligado não é apenas segura para a sua saúde, mas torna nossas máscaras altamente reutilizáveis, pois podem ser lavadas até 100 vezes sem perder sua capacidade de proteção.O boom das máscaras à base de cobre significa que há uma variedade de qualidade para esses produtos e, portanto, em seus resultados. É importante estar atento às certificações, história e know-how de uma empresa para manter os atletas seguros. As máscaras da NAROO são testadas e certificadas quanto à segurança pelo Korea Apparel Testing and Research Institute (KATRI) e especificamente projetadas com os atletas em mente, tornando-as ajustáveis, respiráveis ​​e duráveis.O fio de cobre está aqui para abrir uma nova era em vestimentas de proteção, e as análises e depoimentos dos que já testaram são entusiasmadas e promete um futuro brilhante. “Talvez você goste deles porque eles ficam sensacionais depois de experimentar um par pela primeira vez”. — Carlo G, Spectral Body“Considerando as propriedades fundamentais do cobre no combate ao
NAROO FU+Copper - The most effective face mask for Cycling in Pollen, pollution, male and female model
The Most Effective Face Mask with Antibacterial Copper Yarn Killing Germs, Odors, and More, Without Killing Your Skin – the most effective face mask There are no perfect methods for keeping fit while keeping free from pathogens. If you’re looking for the sports mask equivalent of a full suit of armor without the discomfort and possible hauntings, however, your best solution lies in the most effective face mask NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper. Copper has a long history in medicine and textile making, a multitude of benefits, and clear advantages over silver as a wearable material.  Origins of Copper Fabric Originally used as a form of sterilization, and as protection through jewelry, copper as a medicinal tool and wearable can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and later China. As for copper-infused fabric, there are indications that it may have originated in the Middle-East. In more recent times, the Covid-19 pandemic has created a renewed interest in copper-infused yarn for its antimicrobial properties. From copper compression clothing to copper masks, we see an increasing number of products turning to this material for its health benefits. Benefits of Copper Fabric and F.U Plus Copper Antimicrobial Copper yarn is highly effective at fighting bacteria, fungi, and viruses without ill-effects on your health. NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper, the most effective face mask antimicrobial mask stops 99.9% of microbes through the knitted teamwork of its MICRONET™ fabric and copper yarn. Bacteria and viruses are negatively charged on the outside, while the positive copper ions underneath break them apart by destroying their DNA/RNA.BreathableThe combination of the highly breathable MICRONET™ filtering fabric and the properties of copper itself make NAROO’s latest copper mask not only effective against pollutants, but also easy to exercise and breathe with, or rather, through.Heat regulationAthletic performance can significantly decrease over time, and muscle fatigue is a big reason why. When our body temperature rises, “the muscle’s ability to contract sustainably over a long time period suffers significantly during a longer athletic event and adversely impacts athletic performance ” Copper is an excellent thermal regulator, aiding muscle endurance and oxygenation, thus aiding an athlete’s performance. Moisture-wickingAll of NAROO’s face masks, including our F.U Plus Copper, are highly absorbent and assist in sweat regulation. While perspiration during exercise and competitive events may be uncomfortable, it is also where microbes thrive, as body odor is partly generated due to sweat gland secretions. Keeping dry keeps you safe and smelling better.Odor ControlThis is where copper plays a really big part in sports attire, including sports masks. The bacteria growing in our sweat is responsible for many ill-effects, including the known unpleasant odors. As we have already established, copper is extremely toxic to these bacteria, neutralizing the smell even in the small amounts of sweat that do make it through NAROO’s moisture wicking fabric. Skin HealthIn addition to its biocidal properties, copper is a mineral which promotes skin generation and stabilization, making it “a very attractive active material for the improvement of  skin well-being.” Combining that with its other abilities and breathable fabrics means that you ultimately reduce the irritants drying and aging your skin. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Benefits of Copper Fabric and F.U Plus Copper While copper, silver, and gold are all antimicrobial, there are some key differences making copper the clear winner.One important point is that copper can thrive under any environmental circumstances  whereas silver requires humidity in order for those mechanisms to be activated.Silver has very little to contribute to the human body’s overall health, while copper is an essential micronutrient with all of the associated benefits already explored in this blog.Not only is silver not a necessary metal for our skin, our bodies also lack specific mechanisms to break it down, effectively making it more toxic for humans. Is Copper Fabric Safe for Your Respiratory and Overall Health? Inhaling metals is not an appealing idea, but it’s a worry you need not have with NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper. Made of different fabric materials, the parts using copper-infused yarns achieve that infusion through a process called ionic bonding. The process embeds the copper to the fabric, ensuring that it will not break into particles that can be inhaled. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Choosing Your Copper Mask Wisely Like every other product used with health in mind, copper face coverings have to be chosen wisely. Masks where the yarn is simply lined with copper, for example, will be stripped of that layer fairly quickly, losing their benefits. NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper mask technology of bonded copper is not only safe for your health, but makes our masks highly reusable, as they can be washed up to 100 times without losing their protective ability.The boom in copper-based masks means that there is a variety in quality for such products, and therefore in their results. It’s important to be vigilant for a company’s certifications, history, and know-how in making athletes safe. NAROO’s masks are tested and certified for safety by the Korea Apparel Testing and Research Institute (KATRI), and specifically designed with athletes in mind, making them adjustable, breathable, and durable.Copper yarn is here to open a new era in protective wearables, and the reviews coming in for its use are already enthusiastic and looking forward to its bright future.  Perhaps, you will enjoy them because they feel sensational after trying a pair on for the first time. — Carlo G, Spectral BodyConsidering copper’s fundamental virus fighting properties, coupled with heightened concerns over COVID-19 and other diseases, copper infused masks, gloves and even underwear may be the fashion trend of a world fighting one pandemic and looking to prevent the next. — A.J. Roan, Metal Tech News… there is a certain peace of mind that comes from knowing that when you wear copper-infused clothing, your clothing is actively working overtime to keep you safe. While it’s nothing like a magic cape or the kind of thing that Marvel comics would dream up, the antimicrobial quality of the fabric is still pretty impressive. —
NAROO Breathing Technology: Easy-breathing Face Covers Backed by Continuous Research
NAROO Breathing Technology: Easy-breathing Face Covers Backed by Research Breathing is the heart of athletic activity. However, the air we breathe isn’t always what we need to power our activity. Athletes worldwide struggle with environmental issues that actually limit their ability to breath well and perform well, which include cold weather, pollution, pollen, UV rays, microbes, dust, and more. These issues can actually make lungs unable to process air and oxygen at their full capacity, thereby diminishing performance. In order to help athletes overcome their environments, we at NAROO have been researching breathing for the past 2 decades in order to be sure the air that athletes breathe isn’t preventing them from doing their best. Based on proven, tested technology, we provide innovative breathing solutions to protect athletes everywhere. Because we are also lifelong outdoors people, we make it a priority to talk with athletes and research their needs. Our years of exploration have led us to many technological innovations that help athletes tackle the heat, the cold, and particulates in the air. We constantly seek to answer important questions with technology-based answers. FILTERING TECHNOLOGY: MICRONET™ What is a filtering face mask? A mask that helps to filter out particulates in the air so that they are not inhaled can be considered a filtering face mask. These can come with replaceable filters or without. And how can filtering masks help? At NAROO, we have created a filterless series that not only filters dust, pollen, pollution, and other particles as small as 1.7μm (40x smaller than a human hair), but that is reusable and washable so that it can protect airways over and over again. NAROO MICRONET™ Benefits: Breathable during exercise Washable and reusable over 100 times No replacement filter needed, the special fabric and knit are the filter Filters pollen, dust and other particles as small as 1.7μm (40x smaller than a human hair) Moisture-wicking and quick-dry in wet or conditions But is a filtering mask necessary? Will a mask help with pollen, pollution, and dust? According to the American Lung Association, the air people breathe continues to be unhealthy due to issues like pollution, pollen, and dust. The same holds true for a significant portion of Europe’s population where ozone and other particulate matter pose serious health risks. When focusing on athletes, especially on marathon runners and cyclists training near highways and cities, the British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that immediate effects from pollutants can deplete oxygen to tissues, increase heart rate and blood pressure, and make asthma, pulmonary hypertension and cardiovascular disease potential long-term consequences. A viable solution for these serious pollution and dust effects is an effective filtering face mask like those of the NAROO F-Series. These are made for athletes and their increased respiration rates, outdoor exposure, increased sweating, exposure to heat and cold, and of course, to irritating particulates that can deteriorate performance and health. These masks can filter particles as small as 1.7μm, preventing most harmful particulates from the lungs, allowing for exercise in polluted climes and maximized performance. Table of Contents Is exercising with a mask dangerous? “Researchers at McMaster University in Canada…found no concerning signs of hypoxia, or reduced blood oxygen.” NAROO masks are developed for sports people and their increased need for oxygen intake, and allow for easy-breathing along with top-notch filtering capabilities. It is important to wash and clean the masks between each use to clear away particulates and reset the filter for maximum functioning and easy-breathing. No matter an athletes need, whether running with allergy, or a balaclava with a filter, or pollen season allergies, wearing a mask is a helpful solution to deal with environmental struggles. ANTIMICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY: COPPER YARN What is copper-infused fabric? Shifting from technology specifically designed to tackle hot weather issues to copper-infused yarn and fabric, research proves that the unique antimicrobial properties make it the perfect material for filtering and particulate protection. NAROO weaves copper yarn into the F.U Plus Copper mask, using technology that has been trusted for centuries all over the world. Copper surfaces can kill germs on contact. This process prevents the copper from breaking off and makes the fabric reusable and dependable. Although the origins of copper fabric aren’t known, its benefits are well-documented. Copper-infused yarn can kill many bacteria, fungi, and viruses upon contact, helping to eliminate any of these that linger on the body. Those bacteria can also cause unpleasant odors during exercise that copper-infused yarn can help to eliminate. What makes the copper so powerful is that it is ionically bonded to the yarn, which means the copper will not flake into particles that can be inhaled and will remain strong over time. Is copper better than silver? Why choose copper over silver? Both metals can kill bacteria, so why did NAROO choose copper for its technological developments and high-tech face coverings? Silver requires moisture in order to effectively kill bacteria – copper is antimicrobial in wet and dry environments, making it more versatile and better able to serve athletes’ needs. What does copper yarn in the F.U Plus Copper help me? Not only does the F.U Plus Copper take the utmost advantage of copper’s antimicrobial properties, but it relies on the breathability of the knitted fabric, its moisture-wicking properties, and its functionality in hot and cold weather to create a comfortable, effective face covering for athletes in need of a filtering, antimicrobial mask. Copper is also great when used in fabric as it helps care for your skin by helping to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, thinning skin and other signs of ageing. It can also be helpful for dry or itchy skin. Paired with the breathability of the mask, the F.U Plus Copper is a multifunctional breathing solution for athletes all over the world across many different environments. NAROO F.U. Plus Copper Benefits: Breathable during exercise Antimicrobial copper yarn tested to kill microbes Washable and reusable over 100 times Copper is deodorizing and good for the skin Moisture-wicking and quick-dry in wet conditions 3D AIR-WARMING CHAMBER TECHNOLOGY: EX-BONE Why is breathing cold air in winter dangerous? It is common knowledge that
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