Pollen Allergies |
Difficulty Breathing with Allergy - Check NAROO MASK
Breathe Easy This Spring: Conquer Allergies with Naroomask Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and…oh no, itchy eyes and a runny nose? For allergy sufferers, spring’s beauty often comes with a side of misery. A recent study by USA Today revealed that climate change is fueling longer, harsher allergy seasons, especially in the South, Southeast, and parts of the Midwest. Cities like Wichita, Kansas, are bracing for what could be a brutal allergy season. If you’re among the millions who suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how disruptive they can be. Sneezing, coughing, watery eyes – these symptoms can make work, school, and even enjoying the outdoors a challenge. But fear not, fellow allergy warriors! There’s a way to fight back and reclaim your spring. Introducing Your New Springtime Ally: Naroomask Naroomask isn’t your average mask. It’s your secret weapon against allergy season. Our masks are crafted with high-quality filters specifically designed to block out pollen, dust, and other allergy triggers. Imagine stepping outside and breathing in the fresh air, without the worry of triggering a sneezing fit. Sounds pretty good, right? Here’s why Naroomask is the perfect partner for your allergy-free spring: Superior Filtration: We don’t mess around when it comes to filtration. Our masks boast top-notch filters that effectively trap pollen and other allergens, keeping them far from your sensitive nose and eyes. Comfort is Key: Who says allergy protection can’t be comfortable? Naroomask is designed with lightweight, breathable materials that ensure you can wear it all day long without feeling stuffy or restricted. A Snug Fit Matters: A loose-fitting mask might look good on paper, but it won’t do much for your allergies. Naroomask offers a snug fit that ensures maximum protection, keeping allergens at bay. Don’t Settle for a Suffering Spring Spring is a time for renewal, not for battling allergies. With Naroomask, you can conquer allergy season and truly enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Breathe deeply, take a walk in the park, and relish the fresh air, all without the worry of allergy symptoms ruining your day. Order your Naroomask today and reclaim your spring! P.S. Naroomask’s benefits extend far beyond allergy season. Our masks also offer protection from dust, pollution, and germs, making them a valuable tool for anyone who wants to safeguard their health year-round. Invest in your well-being and breathe easy with Naroomask!
NAROO X5 Motorcycling Cycling Mask Neck gaiter
High-Performance Neck Gaiters and Face Coverings for All Year Round No matter what the sport, athletes pour their soul into perfecting it. This usually translates to consistent and physically arduous training, often over long hours in less than favorable conditions.Dedicated athletes, whether amateur or professional, don’t let weather or the environment stand in the way of gaining excellence. Whether it be the sweltering sun and scattered dust of summer or the painfully cold air of winter, sportspeople don’t back down from their training. However, athletes must take care to protect themselves from the elements – sun, rain or the cold. Without the right protective gear, they would be risking serious health concerns – lung damage, skin cancer, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, frostbite, and much more. The right equipment is mandatory for athletes to get through and thrive in challenging conditions – be it a sprint in 50°C (122°F) or soccer drills in -5°C (23°F). In particular, they must adequately protect their faces, necks and heads for optimal performance and minimal damage. Why do athletes need to protect their faces and necks? There are multiple natural and man-made elements that pose a threat to athletes’ health. A few of the most common ones:Extreme HeatThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has directed that athletes who exercise in extreme heat without the right protective gear can fall prey to dehydration and contract heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke – sometimes facing fatal consequences.The sun’s UV-A (longer wave) and UV-B (shorter wave) rays can cause accelerated aging, irreversible skin damage and multiple skin cancers. UV-B rays cause tanning and skin burns, leading to damaged skin cells and a higher cancer risk. Extreme Cold“…extended exposure to cold can overwhelm its auto-regulation mechanism,” said Matthew Chinn, MD, emergency medicine physician with the Froedtert & MCW Moorland Reserve Emergency Department. “Shivering is one way the body maintains its temperature. As hypothermia progresses, the body’s shivering mechanism may stop working, people may become confused and the heart can stop working normally.”Human lungs find it tough to warm and humidify cold air, which can dehydrate and impair airways. Athletes experience coughing, burning sensation in the throat and windpipe and breathing issues when training in cold temperatures. Intense cold-weather exercise can force the lining of human airways to dehydrate, dry and suffer long-term, even irreversible damage.Dust inhalationDust or particulate matter can have seriously adverse health effects when inhaled without adequate protection:1. Premature death in people with heart or lung disease2. Irregular heartbeat3. Magnified asthma symptoms4. Reduced lung function. Larger particles, if inhaled can also lead to scarring of lung or airway tissue5. Aggravated respiratory symptoms – irritation of the airways, coughing, wheezing, irregular breathing Unfortunately, air pollution has become commonplace for modern humans, especially those living in metropolitan areas. Avoiding dust, fumes, insects, etc. is of utmost importance, and while individuals can avoid the worst of it by training early mornings or late evenings (lower traffic rates and factory fumes), they still need protection from inhaling particles suspended in air. Dust-free air is no longer a reality for most outdoor athletes.  Athletes and people staying outdoors often use bandanas, kerchiefs, scarves and other items to cover up so as to protect themselves. But articles of clothing often prove ineffective in the face of heat, sunlight, humidity and dust alike. Intense physical activity becomes exceptionally difficult when someone is smothered by clothing on the face and mouth. Additionally, cloth covers become moist due to exhaled breath and sweat, adding further to the inconvenience.  Needless to say, serious athletes cannot depend on makeshift items to cover their faces up in the midst of serious and stringent practice routines. They need lightweight breathable face masks that provide guaranteed protection and are designed to endure and adapt to the demands of arduous movement in rough weather.  How can athletes protect themselves without ruining their performance? Since athletes are always on the move, it is imperative that they have accessories that adapt and modify with their physical activity. A sports facemask or a neck gaiter can’t slide off because the runner wearing it broke into a sprint. Whatever the physical intensity or the weather condition, sports face coverings must perform as flawlessly as the athlete wearing it.  Driven by the aim to provide athletes with the best-in-industry protective gear, NAROO has developed the X-Series with X-FIBER fabric to ensure that their masks, neck gaiters, and balaclavas will move as they do. In other words, the mask and fabric adapt to the shape of the wearer’s face and neck as it changes under the pressures of movement and physical exertion.  Made with honeycomb knitting that builds on and augments the features of a neck gaiter and mask, X-FIBER is elastic and shaped to perform flawlessly under consistent movement, pressure and duress. In simple words, it goes as you go, moves as you do.   Features and Benefits of X-FIBER:Elastic with honeycomb knitting that improves all typical characteristics of commonly used face masks such as cycling masks, neck gaiters, balaclavas, ski masks, etc.X-FIBER maintains elasticity under all circumstances. It stretches and morphs to adjust to each individual face.It is breathable, equipped with UV protection and windshield capacities, making it perfect for all kinds of weather. It also prevents insects and dust from being inhaled into noses and mouths.The X-FIBER in our winter masks – X9 and X5H, serves to keep athletes warm while eliminating moisture for optimal body temperature and performance. It also warms the air before it is inhaled, preventing coughing, wheezing or lung damage due to the cold.It dries quickly in wet or humid conditions.It serves as an ideal replacement to neck gaiters. Through sustained research and real-world upgrades, NAROO masks offer high levels of protection for individuals with active lifestyles, be it in the sun, rain, snow or wind. They are an important tool in the active individual’s toolkit, essential for protection against environmental factors that can damage bodies and restrict performance. NAROO’s breathable sports masks have been inspected and certified by a number of prestigious verification bodies. The
NAROO FU+Copper - The most effective face mask for Cycling in Pollen, pollution, male and female model
The Most Effective Face Mask with Antibacterial Copper Yarn Killing Germs, Odors, and More, Without Killing Your Skin – the most effective face mask There are no perfect methods for keeping fit while keeping free from pathogens. If you’re looking for the sports mask equivalent of a full suit of armor without the discomfort and possible hauntings, however, your best solution lies in the most effective face mask NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper. Copper has a long history in medicine and textile making, a multitude of benefits, and clear advantages over silver as a wearable material.  Origins of Copper Fabric Originally used as a form of sterilization, and as protection through jewelry, copper as a medicinal tool and wearable can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and later China. As for copper-infused fabric, there are indications that it may have originated in the Middle-East. In more recent times, the Covid-19 pandemic has created a renewed interest in copper-infused yarn for its antimicrobial properties. From copper compression clothing to copper masks, we see an increasing number of products turning to this material for its health benefits. Benefits of Copper Fabric and F.U Plus Copper Antimicrobial Copper yarn is highly effective at fighting bacteria, fungi, and viruses without ill-effects on your health. NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper, the most effective face mask antimicrobial mask stops 99.9% of microbes through the knitted teamwork of its MICRONET™ fabric and copper yarn. Bacteria and viruses are negatively charged on the outside, while the positive copper ions underneath break them apart by destroying their DNA/RNA.BreathableThe combination of the highly breathable MICRONET™ filtering fabric and the properties of copper itself make NAROO’s latest copper mask not only effective against pollutants, but also easy to exercise and breathe with, or rather, through.Heat regulationAthletic performance can significantly decrease over time, and muscle fatigue is a big reason why. When our body temperature rises, “the muscle’s ability to contract sustainably over a long time period suffers significantly during a longer athletic event and adversely impacts athletic performance ” Copper is an excellent thermal regulator, aiding muscle endurance and oxygenation, thus aiding an athlete’s performance. Moisture-wickingAll of NAROO’s face masks, including our F.U Plus Copper, are highly absorbent and assist in sweat regulation. While perspiration during exercise and competitive events may be uncomfortable, it is also where microbes thrive, as body odor is partly generated due to sweat gland secretions. Keeping dry keeps you safe and smelling better.Odor ControlThis is where copper plays a really big part in sports attire, including sports masks. The bacteria growing in our sweat is responsible for many ill-effects, including the known unpleasant odors. As we have already established, copper is extremely toxic to these bacteria, neutralizing the smell even in the small amounts of sweat that do make it through NAROO’s moisture wicking fabric. Skin HealthIn addition to its biocidal properties, copper is a mineral which promotes skin generation and stabilization, making it “a very attractive active material for the improvement of  skin well-being.” Combining that with its other abilities and breathable fabrics means that you ultimately reduce the irritants drying and aging your skin. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Benefits of Copper Fabric and F.U Plus Copper While copper, silver, and gold are all antimicrobial, there are some key differences making copper the clear winner.One important point is that copper can thrive under any environmental circumstances  whereas silver requires humidity in order for those mechanisms to be activated.Silver has very little to contribute to the human body’s overall health, while copper is an essential micronutrient with all of the associated benefits already explored in this blog.Not only is silver not a necessary metal for our skin, our bodies also lack specific mechanisms to break it down, effectively making it more toxic for humans. Is Copper Fabric Safe for Your Respiratory and Overall Health? Inhaling metals is not an appealing idea, but it’s a worry you need not have with NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper. Made of different fabric materials, the parts using copper-infused yarns achieve that infusion through a process called ionic bonding. The process embeds the copper to the fabric, ensuring that it will not break into particles that can be inhaled. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAROO MASK | Official (@naroomask_global) Choosing Your Copper Mask Wisely Like every other product used with health in mind, copper face coverings have to be chosen wisely. Masks where the yarn is simply lined with copper, for example, will be stripped of that layer fairly quickly, losing their benefits. NAROO’s F.U Plus Copper mask technology of bonded copper is not only safe for your health, but makes our masks highly reusable, as they can be washed up to 100 times without losing their protective ability.The boom in copper-based masks means that there is a variety in quality for such products, and therefore in their results. It’s important to be vigilant for a company’s certifications, history, and know-how in making athletes safe. NAROO’s masks are tested and certified for safety by the Korea Apparel Testing and Research Institute (KATRI), and specifically designed with athletes in mind, making them adjustable, breathable, and durable.Copper yarn is here to open a new era in protective wearables, and the reviews coming in for its use are already enthusiastic and looking forward to its bright future.  Perhaps, you will enjoy them because they feel sensational after trying a pair on for the first time. — Carlo G, Spectral BodyConsidering copper’s fundamental virus fighting properties, coupled with heightened concerns over COVID-19 and other diseases, copper infused masks, gloves and even underwear may be the fashion trend of a world fighting one pandemic and looking to prevent the next. — A.J. Roan, Metal Tech News… there is a certain peace of mind that comes from knowing that when you wear copper-infused clothing, your clothing is actively working overtime to keep you safe. While it’s nothing like a magic cape or the kind of thing that Marvel comics would dream up, the antimicrobial quality of the fabric is still pretty impressive. —
NAROO F1s Filter Fabric sports mask for sports in pollen and spring seasons no sneezing white background
How to protect yourself from pollen allergens, pollution particles in 2024. Find out Micronet, it is breathable, stylish and fitlering.
POLLEN ALLERGIES SEASON: The Hidden Enemy of Athletes
É comum alergia ao pólen? No nosso último post falamos tudo sobre as alergias ao pólen. Se você não ainda não conferiu, é importante dar uma olhada porque o pólen pode impedi-lo de fazer o que você ama. Para você como atleta, seja amador ou profissional, a temporada de pólen pode ser um gatilho de problemas para o seu treinamento. As alergias podem impedir uma respiração eficaz e eficiente e os atletas têm mais chances de piorar as alergias do que a população em geral. É por isso que precisamos de soluções boas e confiáveis. Os médicos fizeram suas as pesquisas, mas a maioria das soluções é voltada para a população com alergia em geral, não para os esportistas. Vamos dar uma olhada nas soluções e como os atletas em particular podem usá-las para sair de casa com segurança durante a temporada de pólen.Solução #2: Proteja o que está ao seu redorOs especialistas recomendam o uso de ar-condicionado sempre que possível em sua casa e no carro, o que pode ajudar durante os exercícios internos. Você também precisa trocar de roupa assim que entrar em casa.Solução #3: Proteja seus olhosAlém dos problemas respiratórios que as pessoas alérgicas enfrentam, também existem os efeitos sobre os olhos. As soluções geralmente são evitar os alérgenos ficando em casa, usando colírios para eliminá-los ou usando medidas de proteção como óculos de sol. É o contato do pólen com os olhos que causa coceira, vermelhidão e lacrimejamento excessivo. Portanto, é importante proteger seu corpo do pólen invasivo. O que devemos fazer é cobrir nossos olhos e nossas vias aéreas para evitar que as partículas de pólen causem reações alérgicas.Solução #4: Use uma máscara de pólen As máscaras são uma das soluções mais confiáveis. Eles podem ser combinados com várias soluções para proteção ainda melhor. Assim como os óculos envolventes evitam que o pólen toque os olhos, uma boa máscara contra o pólen impede que o pólen entre nas vias respiratórias e os irrite. As máscaras são particularmente eficazes porque as partículas de pólen são grandes o suficiente e as máscaras podem bloqueá-las, reduzindo os sintomas desconfortáveis. Além disso, a exposição a alérgenos também pode causar o aparecimento de novas alergias, portanto, bloquear os fatores irritáveis pode ajudar a prevenir os sintomas e o desenvolvimento de mais alergias.As máscaras cirúrgicas retêm até 80% das partículas de 2,5 mícrons, enquanto as de algodão 28% e as máscaras Pitta 64%. A maioria das partículas de pólen são maiores do que 9 mícrons, então qualquer máscara eficiente em 2,5 mícrons será eficaz como uma máscara de pólen. Por exemplo, as máscaras esportivas NAROO são testadas e comprovadas para filtrar partículas tão pequenas quanto 1,7 mícron, tornando-as uma máscara de pólen confiável. Confira as melhores máscaras faciais para esporte. Solução #5: Coma uma dieta balanceada De acordo com o Dr. Scadding, do Reino Unido, sua dieta pode reduzir a gravidade de suas alergias. “… a dieta altera as bactérias que vivem em seu intestino e elas, por sua vez, podem alterar a forma como seu corpo reage imunologicamente. Uma dieta rica em ácidos graxos que promove bactérias benéficas é uma dieta de alimentos à base de plantas – frutas, vegetais e também iogurte e peixe”. Comer bem pode fortalecer seu sistema imunológico e ajudá-lo a combater essas alergias incômodas. Além disso, uma dieta bem balanceada é uma fonte de combustível tão importante quanto o ar puro para os atletas.Solução #6: Verifique os níveis de pólen Verificar os níveis atuais de pólen pode ajudá-lo a decidir se é ou não seguro sair e fazer exercícios. Se os níveis estiverem altos, você pode fechar as janelas e permanecer dentro de casa como método de prevenção. Muitos escolhem métodos de exercícios internos durante esses horários para proteger o sistema respiratório. Ainda assim, surpreendentemente, mesmo quando a contagem de pólen está baixa, você ainda pode apresentar sintomas de alergia ao pólen, como espirros, coriza e tosse. Por que as máscaras esportivas NAROO?NAROO foi desenvolvida para atletas. Para muitos de nós, estar ao ar livre é parte integral do nosso esporte e soma à experiência de correr, andar de bicicleta ou até mesmo descer uma montanha em sua prancha de snowboard. O uso de uma máscara de pólen projetada para esportistas significa que ela irá filtrá-lo para que não inalemos as micro partículas. E ainda mais importante, as máscaras NAROO são respiráveis. Quando nos exercitamos, nossa taxa de respiração aumenta e precisamos de mais ar para fortalecer nossos movimentos. Portanto, os atletas precisam de uma máscara respirável e filtrante. As máscaras NAROO não requerem troca de filtro. Você apenas lava para recuperar os recursos de filtragem e reutiliza. NAROO é uma solução confiável que pode ser usada sozinha ou em conjunto com outras soluções. Se você quer saber onde posso comprar máscaras de pólen, confira a série F da NAROO. Pesquisa e edição por Lena Traduzido por Juliana Hofstetter    
NAROO Allergy Friendly Product Award Certificate - Allergy UK for Pollen
Allergy UK – Allergy Friendly Product Award We started NAROO because we listened. We listened to the needs of sports people who were looking for ways to deal with things like pollen, pollution, and heat/cold. The more we listened, the more we resolved to become the world’s leading innovator and authority on innovative breathing solutions that support and protect your breathing. When we began in 2002, we saw that sports people needed something that didn’t exist. From start to finish, we focused not only on developing technology to address athletes’ needs, but to create product that is safe. To this day, we seek testing to ensure the quality of the product that we offer as breathing solutions. With that in mind, we are proud to announce that we are recipients of the Allergy UK Friendly Product Award for our entire filtering F-Series. Based on expert opinion, each product in the series is approved by Allergy UK as suitable for use as part of an allergen management plan and unlikely to cause a reaction. It also may be of benefit for allergy sufferers. There are an estimated 21 million people living with allergic disease in the UK. Allergy UK’s mission is “to raise the profile of allergy at all levels, with a vision for everyone affected by allergy to receive the best possible care and support.” They are the leading national patient charity for people living with all types of allergy. NAROO aligns with Allergy UK’s vision of helping people living with allergy. We want to help people with allergy continue to do head outdoors and perform their activities and sports during pollen season. Breathing is the foundation. Let NAROO help you breathe freely and perform your best. Check out our Allergy UK friendly products here.
NAROO F5S - Filtering Sports Mask for hiking in Spring Pollen Season in mountains v2
Seasonal Allergies: 6 Tips For Sports During Hay Fever Facing Pollen Allergy Head-on In our last blog we covered the common problem of pollen allergies, which experts refer to as “hay fever,” “allergic rhinitis,” or  “seasonal allergic rhinitis”. We also discussed the impact of pollen allergy on the bodies of athletes, and answered the burning question of “Can I exercise with seasonal allergies?” In this blog we’re going to delve deeper into ‘How one can mitigate allergy symptoms‘, but also ‘How face masks—and in particular NAROO’s sports masks—can keep you working out or competing outdoors without your body working against you’. Impact of hayfever on performance Nasal congestion caused by colds and hayfever can impair nasal function and affect sports performance and enjoyment. Hay fever symptoms can lead to sleep deprivation, anxiety, and increased fatigue, which can negatively impact athletic performance. However, hay fever has been shown to negatively impact sleep and mood, and can impair sports and athletic performance.  Tip #1: How To Stop Pollen Allergy Symptoms? Seek Dedicated Allergy Medication Note: Please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medication. Treating allergic symptoms with over-the-counter medication such as antihistamines and decongestants is very common. Unfortunately, navigating the effects some of them may have on the body of an athlete, as well as any potential legal complications for those competing professionally, is a stressful and lengthy process. That being said, it’s perfectly possible to find the medical solution that fits your body and needs as an athlete. Just make sure to consult with your personal physician and/or the physician of your sports medicine team if you’re a professional. Tip #2: Can pollen allergy cause difficulty breathing? Yes, So Control Your Indoor Environment As the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) says, “allergy and asthma control begins at home.” While staying inside may not be an option for most athletes, improving indoor air quality can reduce your overall exposure to allergy and asthma triggers. No one likes the idea of having to face how unhygienic our home, work, or car environment can be, but tackling those spaces room by room can spare you from much allergic grief. So remember to clean thoroughly, and look at your home air purifying options. Tip #3: How to Prevent Itchy Eyes? Protect Your Eyes During Allergy Season We tend to think of pollen allergy as something that only affects our upper and lower respiratory health, but those itchy, welling eyes you get with a faceful of spring aren’t due to the season’s breathtaking beauty. Allergies—including pollen-induced allergy—affect your ocular health in some pretty nasty, unwelcome ways. As an athlete, under the guidance of your doctor, you can wear contact lenses, glasses, or goggles in order to protect your eyes, but beware of the downsides to the first, such as the increased risk of bacterial infection, irritation, and more. Tip #4: Check Pollen Count to Help Allergies Checking your area’s latest pollen count can significantly help you when you’re planning outdoor exercise. While pollen levels are usually at their highest “before dawn and in the late afternoon to early evening”, your reaction to them has many variables. It’s therefore advisable to keep track of them through a regularly updated pollen forecast. Thankfully, there are many pollen monitoring stations in the world, so you are most likely to find accurate information about the presence and quantities of pollen in your area. Tip #5: How to Avoid Pollen Allergies? A Well-Balanced Diet According to the study “Dietary Interventions in Pollen-Related Food Allergy,” “up to 90% of pollen-sensitized individuals are allergic to foods that cross-react with pollen”. After all, our dietary habits affect our health in many ways, so it stands to reason that even seasonal allergies would have their ties to them. As Sarah Garone, NDTR of Healthline advises, “from reducing inflammation to boosting the immune system, there are a number of dietary choices that may help mitigate the miseries of seasonal allergies.” You may also benefit from avoiding foods connected to the type of pollen you are most allergic to. Tip #6: Use a face mask for relief. Wear a Pollen Allergy Mask Nothing will protect your nasal cavity, and respiratory system better than face coverings, and as a new study conducted in Turkey supports, “face mask usage can be considered a preventive measure to minimize allergen exposure in high-risk environments.” When exercising outdoors and being exposed directly to irritants, a face mask is a must-have sports accessory for protecting your airways. As pollen particle sizes typically range from 9μm (microns) to 200μm, surgical masks—which filter particles as small as 3μm—are a good option, and even cloth masks can help. That being said, these specific types of masks are not very sports-friendly options for any athlete on the go. This is where sports masks that counteract allergies come into play, and where we at NAROO can help you stay active while staying pollen-free. Why NAROO Sports Masks? Unlike the typical go-to options for masks—N95 respirators, surgical, or cloth masks—NAROO’s sports masks are designed and developed for athletes. Our filtering F-Series is not only made to filter particles as small as 1.7μm, but offers more breathability, reusability, and variety than most heavy-duty options, while improving on their filtering capabilities. An athlete who needs to comfortably and safely train outdoors—be it going on a simple run, cycling, or preparing for a professional event—needs a reliable, flexible, breathable filtering mask specifically designed for rigorous activity. NAROO masks do not require a change of filter, and retain their properties even after being washed 100 times. They are a dependable, scientifically certified solution made for reducing your exposure to pollen without reducing your time outdoors. “Intended for everyday use and for amateur and professional athletics, NAROO face covers protect people on the go in environments with pollen, dust, in hot or cold weather. They are easy-breathing and filter out environmental agents that cause breathing difficulties or trigger allergy.” — AllergyUK “Both the NAROO Mask F.U+ and F.U+ Copper are masks worth considering if you are looking for a new form of pollution protection. The masks
POLLEN ALLERGIES SEASON: The Hidden Enemy of Athletes
Natural remedy for allergies: Relief that you might be missing There is nothing quite like the great outdoors in spring, and there is nothing quite like the hit that this beautiful season can inflict on the human body. As inspiring as nature may be in full bloom, pollen allergy is an all too familiar enemy of many, including athletes. As with everything in life, there is bad news and good news here; yes, pollen could definitely jeopardize or ruin your sports goals during allergy season, but there are ways to protect yourself and your performance from it apart from medication. What Are Pollen Allergies? Pollen allergy—sometimes commonly referred to as “hay fever,” “allergic rhinitis,” or as “seasonal allergic rhinitis” by experts—is an allergic reaction to the pollen produced by plants and carried around by the wind. With one in five people being affected by it at some point in their life, it is most likely you  either face it yourself, or at the very least have encountered it through family, friends, or peers. In Western countries, between 10% and 30% of people are affected. Hay fever usually appears with allergy symptoms such as: Itching in your nose, roof of your mouth, throat, and eyes Sneezing Stuffy nose (congestion) Runny nose Tearing eyes Dark circles under the eyes If these—especially a combination of them—sound familiar, particularly during pollen season then you know the culprit behind them. Now, while many of these symptoms are annoying, allergic rhinitis itself can also cause a variety of other issues that can range from significant hindrances to significant dangers. For one, those who are allergic to pollen are also prone to allergic conjunctivitis (eye allergy). But it is also theorized that upper respiratory inflammation can lead to lower respiratory issues as well. According to Yale Medicine allergist Florence Ida Hsu, MD, “You’ll find people with allergies getting recurrent sinus infections, and both can lead to respiratory symptoms, asthma, and bronchitis.” While there is a lot we still do not know about allergies, we do know that seasonal allergic rhinitis “… is often hereditary as to whether or not we develop allergies, which means it can be passed down through genes from parents to their children.” We also know that climate change is making them worse in the long-term. It is therefore always advisable to consult with your physician if you think or feel you may be affected. Most common natural remedies and techniques for allergies relief Reduce your exposure to allergy triggers In other words, stay at home, but as an athlete can you stay at home all season? In other words, stay at home, but as an athlete can you stay at home all season? It is recommended that you stay indoors during the peak hours when symptoms are most likely to occur and exercise later in the day, around sunset. During this time, the amount of spores scattered is low and the wind is light, so there will be no irritants flying into your eyes, nose, or mouth. It is also effective to choose a grass-free area for exercise to avoid stirring up spores. Clearing the sinuses Rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution (nasal rinse) is a quick, inexpensive, and effective way to relieve nasal congestion. It directly washes mucus and allergens out of the nose. Saline solution can be purchased ready-made or in a kit and added to water. If using a kit or homemade saline solution, use bottled water to reduce the risk of infection. Alternative Treatments   Many natural remedies have been used to treat hay fever symptoms. Treatments that may improve symptoms include extracts of the shrub Butterbur, Spirulina (a type of dried algae), and other herbal medicines. Due to the limited number of clinical trials designed, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of these therapies.  Acupuncture has shown limited benefit potential, but research results are mixed. How Does Pollen Affect Us As Outdoor Lovers? According to several studies, allergic rhinitis is more common in athletes than previously thought, with endurance athletes in particular having a high prevalence of it (44% of athletes). When you breathe harder and longer—which is common when exercising or competing as an athlete—you inhale a larger amount of allergens and irritants over a longer period of time. According to Katelaris et al., 2000, allergic rhinitis impairs physical performance in professional athletes by affecting sleep, decreasing the ability to concentrate or reducing physical fitness. The same study also concluded that athletes are more prone to asthma. In the survey of 214 athletes representing 12 Olympic sports, 21% reported having experienced asthma. All is not bleak, however. If you are now wondering “Can I exercise with seasonal allergies?” The answer is absolutely, YES. You simply have to exercise more cautious than others. There are many ways to reduce the health risks and comfort issues brought by pollen allergy. The tricky part is choosing—and balancing—between prevention and treatment. As Medical News Today states, “medical treatments, home remedies, and changes in some lifestyle habits can help ease symptoms of pollen allergy.” At the same time, it’s impossible to be completely free of them through treatment alone. It is necessary for you to also consider how to avoid exposure to these allergens in the first place. Staying indoors and fortifying your home environment does help, but an athlete needs that safety and comfort level on the go. Natural remedy for allergies: Wear your face mask for relief So if you need a face covering to tackle pollen head on, what is the best allergy mask to go for? Well, for one, any reduction in exposure is better than full exposure. According to a study by the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, Japan, standard non-woven fabric surgical facemasks and glasses with side guard protection can help to a degree, but they cannot go up against wind speed and direction. N95 respirators do a better job at filtering pollen particles out, but they are some of the least comfortable, least breathable to exercise or compete with.
NAROO F5s - filtering sports mask for sports in pollen and spring seasons no sneezing
Is wearing a mask effective against seasonal allergies?​
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